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Invited Talks

Title: “Reconstructing cardiac electrical dynamics using data assimilation"
Prof. Elizabeth Cherry
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT, USA)
Web-page: https://www.rit.edu/science/people/elizabeth-cherry

Title: “The Future of GPU Computing"
Prof. Esteban Walter Gonzalez Clua
Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF, Brasil)
Web-page: http://www2.ic.uff.br/~esteban/

Title: “How the gene information is read during embryonic development: a theoretical point of view"
Prof. Francisco Lopes
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, Brazil)
Web-page: http://fisbio.biof.ufrj.br/equipe.htm

Title: “New developments on heart dynamics simulation"
Prof. Flavio Fenton
Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA, USA)
Web-page: http://www.physics.gatech.edu/user/flavio-fenton

Title: “The Gaia mission: constraining the structure and dynamics of the Milky Way from the largest digital catalogue of stars"
Dr. Laurent Chemin
Laboratory of Astrophysics of Bordeaux (LAB, France)
Web-page: http://www.obs.u-bordeaux1.fr/

Title: "Analytics, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence – navigating the Big Data deluge"
Dr. Mark Staveley
Cray Inc. (USA)
Web-page: http://www.cray.com/

Title: “A New Computing Model"
Dr. Pedro Mário Cruz e Silva
Nvidia (Brazil)
Web-page: http://www.nvidia.com.br/

Title: “Global atmospheric models: computational challenges"
Prof. Steve Cocke
Florida State University (Tallahassee, FL, USA)
Web-page: https://coaps.fsu.edu/steven-cocke